Australian Meat Processor Corporation

Australian Meat Processor Corporation

Desk Top Review in to Collaborative Robot Applications in the Red Meat Industry

A desk top review of current collaborative robot applications both within the red meat processing industry and other industries, such as the automotive industry, was undertaken.

A desk top review of current collaborative robot applications both within the red meat processing industry and other industries, such as the automotive industry, was undertaken. Collaborative robots that are currently on the market were briefly examined and compared to  determine the current industrial applications of collaborative robots can be grouped into four major categories including; parts assembly, pick and place operations, quality control and hazardous tasks. The implications for applying collaborative robots in the red meat processing industry were accessed in terms of product consistency, nature of sensing, control systems, safety and hygiene.

Following consultations with red meat processors, potential automation tasks within plants were identified, while existing and alternative processing scenarios were examined.  The advantages and benefits for using collaborative robots, instead of traditional industrial robots to automate the tasks identified were detailed in terms of the ease of implementation into existing process flow, the range of integrated sensor hardware, and intuitive reprogramming.

Furthermore, potential meat processing tasks for collaborative robot trials were investigated based on value and feasibility. Specifically, the value of collaborative robots to the meat industry compared to traditional industrial robots was examined and potential tasks were selected based on feasibility. Ideas for future research relating to collaborative robots is also detailed in this report.

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