Australian Meat Processor Corporation

Australian Meat Processor Corporation

Industry Environmental Performance Review

In 1998 then environmental performance of nine medium to large integrated meat processing plants throughout Australia was studied. The findings from this investigation resulted in industry recognised key performance indicators (KPIs) which have since been used by individual facilities to monitor their environmental performance. The current study (conducted five years after the initial study) covers 10 medium to large integrated meat processing plants throughout Australia to assess the level of industry improvements in meeting the original KPIs. Additional KPIs have been introduced in this study to reflect the changing community and industry expectations within the red meat industry.

Where possible, within each category the average or median of the 10 2003 sites has been related to the average of the 1998 survey. The comparison of the averages between the two studies has to be viewed in the context that only four of the original sites are represented in the current study and that some of these sites have changed substantially since 1998. The comparison of the averages it therefore only to be used as a guide. The data within the report presented in relationship to the tonnes of hot standard carcase weight (HSCW) or to the number of head processed.

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