Australian Meat Processor Corporation

Australian Meat Processor Corporation

Review of abattoir water usage reduction, recycling and reuse

This review examines the water quality and quantity requirements of meat processing, the wastewater quality and quantity produced, and how the wastewater can be treated to allow recycling or reuse within the abattoir. This includes an examination of the suitability of different wastewater treatment methods for the processing of different effluent streams. Also reviewed are previous MLA studies which examine what can and has been performed to reduce abattoir water requirements, and what the regulatory position is on the use of recycled water in abattoirs. Recommendations are 
made to direct risk assessment to be compatible with the Australian Recycled Water Guidelines.

Other recommendations are made for further investigations, so as to further the goal of reducing water usage and increasing its recycling and reuse, while also meeting the public health and product quality expectations of domestic and international markets.



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